There's Rosemary That's For Remembrance.
Pray, You Love, Remember.
William Shakespeare
The sacred plant of rosemary is truly an all-purpose magickal herb of great power.
-one of earliest plant used for: food
weddings &
for centuries.
To the English its a symbol of love & marriage.
In Asia, people planted rosemary on graves in hope their ancestors would
bond between them & continue to give guidance after death.
In the Middle Ages it was used to drive away evil spirits and protect against the plague.
- is excellent for mental fatigue & poor memory.
The aroma enables the human spirit to clear the mind and open blocked passages in the body. Allowing it to tap into the universal mind. This brings the human spirit inner peace & contentment allowing us to remember who we are and perform the tasks needed on our spiritual path & assist others if we are asked.
Rosemary is know to reduce headeaches and increase circulation.
It provides a much need lift for energy in your body.
Rosmarinus officinulis is truly a sacred, versitile & magical plant.
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